Is Barncat on Android?
Not yet! Our funding was carefully prioritized and we had to make the difficult decision to do one platform at a time, but we will absolutely release the Android version once our Apple launch is further along. Like and follow our socials to stay tuned and support our growth so we can get to Android ASAP.
Will there be a version for Barn Managers or Trainers?
Yes! Our Premium Subscription allows professionals to add unlimited horses, and to share horse profiles and data with clients. Professionals and clients can collaborate via the Share Feature if both parties are Premium subscribers.
How do I know when various features will be released?
Head over to our Development Page to see where we're headed next and what you can expect!
How much does it cost?
Barncat can be downloaded from the App store for FREE. ​BARNCAT PREMIUM LAUNCH SALE now active! $9.99/mo. for 12 months or $99.99 upfront for the year.
Premium subscriptions are normally $19.99/month or $199.99/year.